An outward-facing cathedral

St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh by dun_deagh via Wikimedia Commons

St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh by dun_deagh via Wikimedia Commons


St. Mary’s Cathedral was completed in 1879 and is now the center for the Anglican Church in Scotland. Of course, Christian life in Edinburgh endured for centuries beforehand, as cathedrals and church life moved between Catholicism, Presbyterianism, and the Anglican Communion. Each of those Christian traditions are alive and well today in Scotland.

I believe some 20th-century history of St. Mary’s Cathedral life is instructive for our life as a “cathedral for the city” of Houston. 

  1. The Cathedral was known for starting new congregations in and around the city. They started six new ones in their first 20 years.
  2. They established several houses of hospitality for laborers at low rent costs.
  3. They continued their faithful rhythm of worship even during times of war.
  4. They were involved in the sharing of the faith during very trying post-war times.

During some periods, they were without electricity and continued with the very services and liturgies that our choir will be singing this week.

What other ways could we be an outward-facing “cathedral for our city"?

How has worship nurtured your life in dark times?