Walk Through Holy Week | MARCH 24–30 | Jones Building

Experience events from Palm Sunday to Christ’s Resurrection, through a self-guided exhibit in the Jones Basement whenever you are here at church. Visitors step into the story through Scripture and dramatic scenery. Each scene tells a part of the story in a child-appropriate way, and accompanying literature helps families follow along.

Holy Monday–Wednesday | March 25–27

  • Daily Communion at Noon - Chapel

maundy Thursday | March 28

“Love one another as I have loved you...” Jesus’ new commandment, or mandatum novum, gives Maundy Thursday its name. We recall this commandment to love one another through our attention to servant leadership and by celebrating the Lord’s Supper. Our worship comes to a close with the ancient practice of stripping the altar, which prepares us for the events of Christ’s suffering and death.

  • Service of Holy Communion at Noon - Chapel

  • Service of Holy Communion at 7 pm - Sanctuary

Good Friday | MARCH 29

We face the stark reality of the crucifixion on Good Friday. The betrayal, suffering, and death of Jesus causes us to acknowledge our own inevitable human faithlessness.

  • Children’s Tenebrae at 11 am in the Sanctuary - Our student-led Children’s Tenebrae Service (Service of Shadows) tells the story of Jesus’ death in an age-appropriate way. The children read scripture aloud, sing together, listen to instrumental music, and extinguish candles to symbolize the sadness of the day. We end on a note of hope for what comes next, reminding us that death is not the end and there is joy coming!

  • Service of Worship at Noon in the Sanctuary - At the noon service, through the reading of the Passion narrative from the Gospel of John, we open ourselves up to the divinely self-giving love that offers redemption.

  • Seven Last Words Service of Tenebrae at 7 pm in the Sanctuary - The evening service will be dual language (English-Spanish) and will focus on the 17th century tradition of meditating on the seven last words of Christ, connecting the sufferings of Christ with the sufferings of the marginalized in the present time.

Easter Egg Hunt | MARCH 30 | 10 am

Located at the Jones Building playground
Families are invited to share in a morning celebration while hunting for Easter eggs with their young ones. If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Kate Flint at kflint@stpaulshouston.org.

Holy Saturday | MARCH 30

  • Repose of Christ at Noon in the Chapel - A contemplative service marking the day Jesus’ body lay in the tomb—a bridge between the story of Good Friday and the resurrection proclaimed at the Easter Vigil. There will be no communion at this service.

  • Easter Vigil at 7 pm in the Sanctuary - Starting outside on the Labyrinth and moving into the Sanctuary, experience the passage from death to life, from sin to salvation, from slavery to freedom in the scriptural stories of God’s redeeming power. As the light of Christ rises in glory, we will remember our baptism, come to the Lord’s table, and greet the Risen Christ with the ancient plainchant of the Exultet, prayers, and hymns.

Easter Sunday | MARCH 31 | 8, 9:30, and 11 am

Love’s redeeming work is done, Alleluia! The Lord has comforted the people; Christ is risen indeed. Celebrate the joyous resurrection of Christ amidst the music of Handel's "Hallelujah" chorus and fanfare trumpets.

Flowering of the Cross | Front Lawn

On Easter Sunday, don’t forget to help us decorate the Flower Cross as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection!